Supply Us
Do you have some great garden products that we really should be selling?
Manufacturer or stockist? You have a quality range of home-delivered gardening products, which you believe will enhance the One Garden website and be desirable to our customers? Then, let's talk.
You home-deliver. Then please tell us your story
It probably goes without saying that we're keen to see our product range grow and be regularly refreshed by innovative and quality lines. Initially then, all we'll ask of you is that you should be able to maintain a predominantly nationwide drop-ship, home-delivery service; being a necessity for us. If you can, then please do get in touch. We'd love to hear your story and review your range and services, hopefully leading to the exposure of your wares for the benefit of our customer base.
Effective & honest trading
One Garden's management team have gained considerable experience and success, across several decades, through the building of long-term and effective supply-chain partnerships across the gardening sector. Being renown for our loyalty and fair-minded approach to trading, we're looking for like-minded suppliers who seek to invest their efforts into forging an honest, durable and successful commercial relationship.
Next steps
If you believe One Garden "simply must list" your gardening products, then do tell us! Please send an introduction with some initial background to with the subject line "We want to supply you". We'll review your interest and you'll hear from us shortly.