Take a look and you'll find our latest Sale offers right here. On this, along with the following pages, you'll find our incredibly low offers... Don't miss out!
Good news... Our Winter Sale* is now on.
*Note: Winter Sale will end 27th February 2025, unless a product page (by +/- offer date & countdown) states otherwise.
![5ft x 6ft Featheredge Pressure Treated Fence Panel image](imagprod/imagthum/5ft-featheredge-pressure-treated-fence-panel.jpg)
10% OFF
Featheredge 5ftDurable pressure treated variant of our 5ft high Featheredge panel
8 daysSale £49.99
£55.99 Saving £6.00
![Mercia image](/imagprod/brands/mercia-logo.jpg)
![4ft x 6ft Featheredge Pressure Treated Fence Panel image](imagprod/imagthum/4ft-featheredge-pressure-treated-fence-panel.jpg)
Low-level 4ft high Featheredge panel with enhanced pressure treatment
8 daysSale £47.99
£52.99 Saving £5.00
![Mercia image](/imagprod/brands/mercia-logo.jpg)
![Shire Pressure Treated Overlap Pent Store 6x3 image](imagprod/imagthum/shire-pressure-treated-overlap-pent-store-6x3.jpg)
Pressure treated 6ft wide overlap pent store, with handy double door to front
7 daysSale £319.99
£349.99 Saving £30.00
![Shire image](/imagprod/brands/shire-logo.jpg)
![Zest Lily Relax Double Seat image](imagprod/imagthum/zest-lily-relax-double-seat.jpg)
24% OFF
Lily Relax Double SeatTwo, low, relaxation seats joined together by a shelf and table section
5-7 daysSale £225.99
£299.99 Saving £74.00
![Zest image](/imagprod/brands/zest-logo.jpg)
![Shire Overlap Tall Tool Store 3x2 image](imagprod/imagthum/shire-overlap-tall-tool-store-3x2.jpg)
Tall, overlap clad apex tool store with offset door in the 3ft front gable
7 daysSale £168.99
£184.99 Saving £16.00
![Shire image](/imagprod/brands/shire-logo.jpg)
![Rowlinson Rustic Arch image](imagprod/imagthum/rowlinson-rustic-arch.jpg)
13% OFF
Rustic ArchRustic, traditional wooden arch with round framing and criss-cross infills
3-7 daysSale £129.99
£149.99 Saving £20.00
![Rowlinson image](/imagprod/brands/rowlinson-logo.jpg)
![Shire Value Overlap Double Door Apex Shed 8x6 image](imagprod/imagthum/shire-value-overlap-double-door-apex-shed-8x6.jpg)
13% OFF
Value Overlap DD 8x6Classic 8x6 shed with overlap cladding and double doors in the 6ft gable end
7 daysSale £408.99
£474.99 Saving £66.00
![Shire image](/imagprod/brands/shire-logo.jpg)
![Zest Veg Bed 1m image](imagprod/imagthum/zest-veg-bed-1m.jpg)
32% OFF
Vegetable Bed 1mA 1m wide vegetable growing trough with tapered bottom for longer veg
5-7 daysSale £99.99
£147.99 Saving £48.00
![Zest image](/imagprod/brands/zest-logo.jpg)
![Shire Gazebo Summerhouse 6x6 image](imagprod/imagthum/shire-gazebo-summerhouse-6x6.jpg)
Stylish and unusual six-sided summerhouse with Georgian style windows
7 daysSale £829.99
£889.99 Saving £60.00
![Shire image](/imagprod/brands/shire-logo.jpg)
![Rowlinson Timber Cold Frame image](imagprod/imagthum/rowlinson-timber-cold-frame.jpg)
16% OFF
Timber Cold FramePressure treated cold frame with a 19mm thick frame and split top lid
3-7 daysSale £104.99
£124.99 Saving £20.00
![Rowlinson image](/imagprod/brands/rowlinson-logo.jpg)
![Shire Value Overlap Apex Shed 7x5 with Window image](imagprod/imagthum/shire-value-overlap-apex-shed-7x5-with-window.jpg)
13% OFF
Value Overlap Window 7x5Simple overlap shed with single door in the 5ft gable end
7 daysSale £368.99
£424.99 Saving £56.00
![Shire image](/imagprod/brands/shire-logo.jpg)
![Shire Pressure Treated Corner Shed 7x7 image](imagprod/imagthum/shire-pressure-treated-corner-shed-7x7.jpg)
10% OFF
Pressure Treated Corner 7x7Five-sided pressure treated double door shed, ideal for placement in a garden corner
7 daysSale £768.99
£854.99 Saving £86.00
![Shire image](/imagprod/brands/shire-logo.jpg)
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